How to Disable Enter Key Submissions in Ninja Forms



Are you using Ninja Forms and want to prevent users from accidentally submitting a form by hitting the Enter key? It’s a common issue that can lead to incomplete submissions. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution that involves adding a bit of jQuery to your WordPress site to disable Enter key submissions.

Why Disable the Enter Key in Ninja Forms?

Before we dive into the “how,” let’s talk about the “why.” In some forms, especially those with multiple input fields, users might unintentionally submit the form by pressing Enter while filling out the fields. This can be frustrating for them, especially if they haven’t completed the form, and it can result in incomplete or erroneous data being sent to you. By disabling the Enter key, you ensure that the form is only submitted when the user clicks the submit button, leading to more accurate submissions.

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The jQuery Solution

Disabling the Enter key in Ninja Forms is straightforward with a bit of jQuery. Here’s the script you’ll need:

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Whoa, that looks complicated!” But trust me, it’s simpler than it looks. Let me break it down for you:

  • We wait for the document to be ready.
  • We set a little timeout (2 seconds) to make sure the form is fully loaded.
  • We tell jQuery to watch for any keypresses in the Ninja Forms container.
  • If the pressed key is Enter (which has a code of 13), we say, “Nope, not today!”

And just like that, no more accidental submissions! 🎉

Now, you might be wondering, “Why the timeout?” Well, Ninja Forms can be a bit sneaky sometimes, loading after the page is ready. This little delay ensures we catch the form no matter what. So there you have it, folks! A simple way to ninja forms disable enter key submissions. It’s these little touches that can make a big difference in user experience.

disable enter key ninja forms

Got any other Ninja Forms tricks up your sleeve? Drop them in the comments below. Let’s share the knowledge and make the WordPress world a better place, one form at a time!

You can also watch the video tutorial below to learn more about this visually.


By implementing this jQuery solution, you can easily disable the Enter key in Ninja Forms, improving user experience and reducing accidental form submissions. It’s a quick and effective way to make sure your forms are filled out accurately and completely. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment below!

Meet the author

Faisal Ahammad

I’m working as Support Engineer at Saturday Drive Inc (AKA Ninja Forms) and General Translation Editor (GTE) for the #bn_BD 🇧🇩 language. As an active contributor to WordPress and open-source projects, I have translated over 60 themes, plugins, and WordPress core. I also have a small YouTube channel where I share my knowledge.

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