
My name is Faisal Ahammad. Technical Support Engineer.​

A passionate WordPress support engineer who translated over 60 themes, plugins, and WP core.


I have been in more than 11 years in WordPress industries, and I have helped more than 1650 people fix their issues.​

Faisal Ahammad

About Me​

I’m a WordPress contributor, translator, and YouTube content creator with expertise in SSH, SSL, WP CLI, and S/FTP. I’m skilled in server migration, WordPress security, and staging site creation.

I have experience in WordPress theme development and have worked with CrateJoy. I’ve also helped entrepreneurs and businesses start their eCommerce ventures and develop strong brands. I have exceptional leadership, interpersonal, and team-building skills, making me an effective leader in deadline-driven environments.


Years of Experience


Contribution badges

My Experience​

As an active contributor to WordPress and open-source projects, I have translated over 150 themes, plugins, and WordPress Core. Additionally, I maintain a small YouTube channel where I share my knowledge. I possess strong skills in the following areas:

✅ Store custom theme and plugin code in GitHub and set up automation between staging and production server using the buddy.works platform.
✅ WordPress security configuration.
✅ Staging site creation and loading media from the production site (not staging).
✅ Server migration using BlogVault, WP Migrate DB, All-in-One WP Migration, and Updrafts plugins.
✅ Better communication and documentation writing.

I have been working on the WordPress platform since 2013. I know the basics of WordPress theme development, including action and filter hooks, and how to apply custom hooks to change the default behavior of WordPress and WooCommerce.



Customer Success Agent (Saturday Drive)



Technical Support Engineer (Elegant Themes)



Support Engineer (OnTheGoSystems)



Client Success Representative (SiteCare)

Faisal Ahammad WordCamp Asia 2023
WordCamp Asia 2023

Let’s get in touch!

If you are interested in hiring me for a full-time or part-time job, or have a project, please let me know so we can discuss it further.

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